Thursday, October 27, 2011

its almost november

to be october 27th and still have a chaco tan is pretty crazy.  its 58 degrees outside so it only feels cold on shitty dismal days like this.  i'm ready for this weekend and to spend time with my girl.  also excited to engulf the bountiful offerings of memaw's cooking.  IF we stay in jackson all weekend.  i think ill go for a lunch visit.  Butterbeans, potato casserole, cornbread, maybe porkchops or a roast.  Memaw does is big.  Memaw don't play around.  If and when i go out west, it will be one of the things i miss the most.  Memaw's cooking is ingrained through generations.  I'm carrying it on its in my blood. It's my responsibility to keep it going because my sis doesnt like cooking because she's afraid of two things: fire and knives.   >>>>>>>subject change .. Saw dangermuffin last night. loved it. You missed out if you didn't go.  It feels good to go to a show and you see George and other OLO's that hardly ever come out of the woodwork. great! support live music. drink cathead. more free shows. gladly would have paid to see the two bands i saw last night.  What really caught bill and i's attention was James Justin&co.  The 3 piece band with a banjo and stand up bass rocked the posters off the wall @ larry's.  They're playing again at thacker mountain radio show tonight.  it's on the courthouse lawn- weather permitting.  I will happily be there with a little bourbon to warm me up. thats it. Paz

Monday, October 24, 2011

a week old but

Fall. Favorite time of the year hands down.  the mornings get colder, the days get shorter.  Ah, football, the rebs, the grove, seeing your breath, getting too cold to wear my chacos but i still do to the point of near frostbite.  the dog showing you it knows when your cold.  Spending fall in oxford is just about a good as a place as anywhere.  golden-yellow-red trees its like nature's tyedye.  find yourself at the top of thacker mountain this time of year and take in the view and try not to cry.  while i'm talking all nature-y im about to go on a small rant.  rebels and grovers we need to do a much better job of cleaning up the beautiful grove we are so lucky to be able to spend time in.  it doesnt take much effort to pick up your shit that you leave around the tent area.  yea, there are garbage cans but walking through the grove on the way to class today i found the following: broken bottles, beer bottle tops, pom-poms, a pile of CHICKEN BONES, tickets, tent stakes.  i mean come on people the grove is a privelege we all get to share and enjoy.  lets pick our shit up.  not saying my tent space is spotless clean but should be  a continuous group effort.  done with my rant.  as it begins to cool off slowly i break out the pants and maybe a few light jackets. it's not that cold yet people.  yes this is MIssissippi, but if your freaking out so much about it being 55 degrees that you wear a ski jacket to class then you've got a hard winter ahead of you, and they say its gonna be a rough one.