Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Time again

North Carolina bound to see Gma and pops' side of the family. Feels good to get back, having not headed in this direction for more than a year. It's always about the simple things coming back here. Sitting around the living room, bullshitting, laughing, telling stories, sneaking drinks around Gma . Oh and smoking celebratory cigars we bought before hitting the road. Received a wonderful graduation/Christmas/birthday party today unexpectedly. A Ruger double barrel over under 20 gauge shotgun. It's masterfully crafted with engraved silver and gold inlay. It's a gun you look at and your like, wow this must be expensive as shit and probably never shot before" which is probably the case here. I feel truly blessed and am thankful for everything that comes my way. Off the NC for the weekend and returning Christmas day. Falcons Saints re-match on MNF should provide for an entertaining night. #riseup birds and lets take back that stinging win the #aints had a few weeks back. After a falcons victory it's off to Nashville for New Years Eve. It's called the black ball at the greenhouse bar. Sounds tight, and I'm extremely stoked. A few brief days after that I will undoubtedly head off into the wild blue yonder that is "out west". Super stoked for that one. Til then, happy chrismahanakwanzukka to y'all. Peace

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